All the News from the CPC Team

kansas-city-Union Station

The convention schedule is going to be pretty similar to past convention schedules, but a few minor changes might need to be made for this year. One is, our General Membership meeting is being moved to the morning on Wednesday, July 2nd. We did this because of the scheduling of the visit to the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum needed to be in the afternoon.

We’re also scheduling an off-site opening reception right after the museum visit. Several workshops in the works are a filmmaker for a series of films about AIDS in Kansas City. It’s a four-part series about a half hour each film, depicting the AIDS crisis here in KC and how the local community came together to deal with this epidemic.

Another workshop in the planning stages concerns the topic of Reparations in KC and around the country. We envision this as a panel discussion as we’re sure this is going to be a lively topic. There are several other workshops in the making but we’ll fill you in on those at a later date. Keep an eye on this webpage over the next 12 months for continued updates. 


All the latest on KC’s great barbeque scene and the upcoming tram available soon

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The first newsletter from the Convention Planning Committee
Including an introduction to the team and a
list of temtative workshops.